Just My Boys – In the Backyard

May has been a busy month.  I appreciate that.  Busy means I don’t have time to get stuck in the sadness that this month tends to bring. But I feel like we’ve been so busy we haven’t had much time to slow down.  I haven’t taken my camera out nearly as much as I’d like.  I haven’t written at all.  So when I was home a little early Thursday night, I took advantage of the warmth and daylight and got outside with my favorite guys.  (Grandpa was there too but he didn’t get down on the ground.) These three boys … Read more

Growing Pains

Today I kept Sam home with me so we could work on potty training.  I have loved having some special time to just focus on him.  He’s such a bright, funny and sweet little boy. He’s been having nightmares lately which are making bed time really hard.  He’s scared to go to sleep but he doesn’t know how to tell us what’s wrong.  He just gets upset and stalls.  I can’t help but feel like he may have inherited a little bit of anxiety from me.  I’ve been known to not sleep for a couple of days after a particularly … Read more