Time for a little Evaluation

Every so often I go through a phase of assessing where I am in life and things I’d like to do to make me a better me.  I’m going through one of those phases.  Maybe it’s the fact that I’m about to start a new job and the idea of a fresh start professionally has me examining the rest of my life.  Maybe it’s the fact that Will is now a toddler and I can start thinking more coherently again.  Whatever the reason my brain is swirling with things I want to do – things I need to do.  Become … Read more

A Little Peace

I haven’t written much the last couple of weeks.  The holiday’s exhausted me – in a wonderfully joyful way.  This is the third Christmas I have spent without my mom.  It was the first Christmas that I was able to embrace as my own. The last three years we have hosted Christmas, in one form or another at my house.  There are many reasons. New babies, pregnancy, having my babies wake up in their own beds and discover Santa in their own home.  But mostly because being in my mom’s home, without my mom, on Christmas is something I’m just … Read more


I am sentimental.  Very Sentimental. Overly sentimental! Songs and smells and sounds can transport me to a different time and place. This time of year I am especially sensitive.  The sounds of Christmas carols, and the smell of Christmas trees mixed with cinnamon instantly bring me back to my home growing up.  The feelings of warmth and comfort and love come flooding. This time of year brings on a whirlwind of emotions and tears are always close to the surface.  I am filled with a profound sadness that I’ll never have another one of my mom’s Christmases, a yearning for … Read more

Finding Time

So I’m training for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day where I will walk 60 miles in 3 days to raise money for breast cancer research and education.  Right now this sounds very daunting to this out-of-shape, post-baby body.  Thank goodness I have close to 11 months to get my body ready for this challenge. BUT . . .  I have great intentions, I really do.  I plan to get up early and walk.  But in order to walk and get to work in time I need to leave the house by 5:30 and with two little ones who are still … Read more