Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Will

Dear sweet Will, Happy Birthday to my sweet little boy.  You arrived early – on your Grandma’s birthday.  But I would venture to say you were right on time.  You’ve been keeping us on our toes ever since.  An easy going baby you were not.  Reflux and colic clouded our first few months but oh how you could snuggle.  And as your GI system gave you relief you settled into life in Mommy and Daddy’s arms.   After all that is where you were safe from big brother! My love, you can melt a heart with a single look.  Your … Read more

Brotherly Love

  Yesterday I was driving my boys to daycare.  Will was not happy about being in his car seat and was screaming. All of a sudden Sam started singing a song for his brother.  “Will, will, crying crying.  Will, Will yay!”  (He’s destined for stardom!) Followed shortly by demands, “Will, hand.  Will, hand.” I looked in my rear view mirror just in time to watch them each reach out their little arms to hold hands.  Fits of giggles from both followed. My. Heart. Exploded.  I freaking LOVE these kids.  How darn lucky am I?  How darn lucky are they to … Read more

What I miss most about my Mom

There are so many things I miss about my mom.  Her mere presence in this World grounded me.  But the thing I miss most are her hugs.  Really there is nothing better than a mom’s (my mom’s) hug.  Her hugs could celebrate, comfort, and console.  They were so full of love and hope and pride and warmth.  If I close my eyes I can still feel the weight of her arms around me.  Now that I’m a mom it’s my turn.  I hope my boys always find comfort in my arms.  I hope my hugs provide a sense of home, … Read more

Holding My Breath

Every three months I hold my breath.  Hoping for the best but frozen by the thought of the worst.  I squeeze Sam a little bit tighter, rock him a little bit longer, tell him I love him a little bit louder.  I fight my anxiety and tell the negative voice inside my head to shut up! You see Sam has a genetic disorder called Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS).  BWS is a congenital growth disorder.  We are thankful that on the spectrum of disorders, this one will likely have a minimal impact on Sam’s life.  In fact, we wouldn’t have even … Read more