How Does your Garden Grow

The boys have been helping Matt dig a spot for a new garden.  There’s lots of talk of tomatoes and peppers and lots of things Sam will never put in his mouth.  There was also mud and worms and dirty little boys. Here they are minutes after their bath admiring all their hard work.  A special thanks to Grandma Barb for the brand new garden tools that let the boys “help” dad!  

Seeking Silence

It’s been a busy few months.  Not just busy in terms of schedules and things to do but busy inside my head.  This happens from time to time.  Things in my mind race around at great speed.  New ideas.  To do lists.  Big dreams.  Worries.  Small wonders.   All flying around, bumping up against each other and then moving off in different directions.  It’s hard to keep up. At the end of the day I pass out exhausted.  Not from the physical demands of life but from the mental marathon I’ve been running all day.  I’m not always like this.  There … Read more


I swore my kids would not be the ones walking around with iPhones in elementary school.  What on earth do kids need with such fancy technology anyway? Right? Right!!?!?! Yup, that’s my 3 year old.  With his very own iPod Touch. Well in my defense it’s an old one that we owned and stripped of everything but their favorite trucks game and the PBS Kids app.  Did I mention that Will has a matching one? At this rate, by the time Kindergarten hits, these kids will have better electronics than me!

Clickin Moms Blog Circle – Food

I am participating in a monthly blog circle with some amazing photographer’s that I met on Clickin Moms.  This month we were challenged to photograph food. I would have thought this challenge would have been EASY.  Two loves: food and photography.  Not so much!  Photographing food is an ART.  It really is.  And it’s one I’m not very good at. But food!  Food, I have always been good at.  Food is my family’s love language.  Time to celebrate? Bring on the food.  Have a broken heart?  Sit and have dinner.  Sick? Eat, eat!  Grieving?  It will seem a little bit … Read more