Clinging to my Baby!

Will’s second birthday is quickly approaching and as each day passes he becomes less and less baby and more and more like a legit child.  I find myself clinging to those things that still make him seem so little. His paci. The way he cries so hard and then snuggles into my neck as I try to calm him. How he emphatically answers “BABY” when asked if he is a big boy or a baby. I may be slightly mourning his passing into childhood and I find myself trying to capture every last detail before these first couple of years … Read more

A Walk in the Park

Thank the Lord we have finally gotten some sunshine. By mid-week I was very cranky and I couldn’t figure out why until I started noticing all the Facebook posts that referenced how long it had been since we had seen sunshine.  It was like a light bulb went off. I am so sensitive to the change in seasons it made perfect sense that the rotten weather was really getting to me.  Yesterday it was 54 and sunny.  I wasn’t going to take this blessing for granted.  I was craving some outside time.  So we layered up Sam and Will and … Read more

Lazy Weekend Morning

We moved the boys into the same room a couple of weeks ago and turned Will’s old room into a play room.  We got all the furniture secured so now the boys can come and go as they please.  This morning I found them playing a game of peek-a-boo in the curtains.  They also seemed to be enjoying looking outside.  It’s been so long since we’ve had sunshine that I bet they forgot what it looked like!

Photo Friday – Say Goodbye to Manual

Learning to shoot manual can be daunting.  When I set out to learn my DSLR – I was instantly overwhelmed.  I had even taken 4 years of photography in school but turning that dial from Auto on my fancy digital camera totally scared me. I quickly learned that today’s digital camera’s have something that the old fashion film camera I shot with in school didn’t – training wheels.  Yup, they have a way for you to practice the principals of photography while still helping you out a long the way. What are these magic little training wheels you ask?  I … Read more

Welcome to Photo Fridays

Welcome to Photo Fridays.  Ok, so I know that today is technically Thursday but my official first Photo Friday blog will be posted tomorrow and I wanted to explain the what and why behind what I hope to make a weekly tradition. As you may be aware, I have taken an increased interest in photography.  I want to be able to document our life, both the ordinary and extraordinary moments that make up the fabric of our family so that the boys and one day their children and maybe even grandchildren can look back on these pictures and get an … Read more