
I love being a mom. I love my kids. I love my job. I love my husband. But boy have I been tired. Matt and I don’t live close to any of our family so time alone has been pretty non-existent since Sam was born. Juggling jobs and kids and the house and everything that comes along with all of that left us a little flat. Left me going through the motions more often than I would like. So when Matt got the opportunity to head to Aspen for work (a hard assignment covering the Food and Wine Classic) and … Read more

Enough is Enough

I am lucky to have a lot of mommy friends – or friends that are moms.  Most of them I knew long before the idea of kids even crossed our minds.  They are all amazing women, amazing friends and REALLY amazing moms. Some breastfed past their baby’s first birthday, some struggled to make it to the 6 month mark, some struggled to get started – watching their baby loose weight – and agonized over turning to formula rather than put their baby’s health at risk, and some decided that breastfeeding wasn’t for them.  New moms do what new moms do … Read more

I Interrupt this Regularly Scheduled Blog Post

I’m pretty excited about today!  Why? You may ask. Well, because I’m making my guest blogger debut over at Merelymothers. I’ve been totally loving having this outlet to pour my heart into.  It’s helped me process, helped me stay honest with myself, motivated me to keep training and generated a fair amount of donations for breast cancer research.  So when the opportunity to share my heart with another audience came I was both excited and kind of petrified. It’s pretty safe here.  Most the folks that read my blog know me.  They send encouraging words or at least bite their … Read more

Dear Target, Parent's are People Too!

 I’m not usually a mommy rant kind of person.  I am well aware that in return for the blessings my children bestow on me there would be things we’d be giving up.  I know better than to take my kids into high end shops.  And Matt and I always choose a place that is loud and accommodating to kids when we take them out to eat.  Sure, I’m trying to teach my kids how to behave in public but the bottom line is they are 1 and 2.  I’m realistic, I know their limitations and boundaries and I don’t force … Read more


I wrote this post a couple of weeks ago and wasn’t sure if I was going to post it, but I have found that writing things down has been therapeutic for me.  It’s help me work through some of my thoughts and get them out — let them go.  And if someday someone else reads this and in some way it touches them then it was worth it.  So here goes . . .  I didn’t read any of the books on loss or grief. I didn’t want anyone telling me that my pain was the same as anyone else’s. … Read more