Just a Little Every Day Magic

Last night we took the boys to dinner and a movie at a local pizzeria. We had a day full of stress and just needed to unwind with our two favorite toddlers. It was raining pretty good when we got to the restaurant. By the time we left it was snowing.  Not just snowing but big, huge whopper snow flakes snowing. Normally I would grab the nearest kid and rush them into the car.  Keep warm.  Keep dry.  And I started to do just that but as I stepped outside holding Will he started laughing at the snow.  His laugh … Read more

Babies to Big Boys

Just a few short days after we discovered this, Will took it upon himself to try to climb out of his crib.  Monkey see, monkey do! After some deep breaths and maybe even a few tears we headed out, brought some big boy bedding (and a video monitor) and converted the boys cribs into toddler beds. Just like that!  In the blink of an eye my babies are big boys.  I can’t believe it.  I remember, like it was yesterday, the first time I laid them down in those cribs.  How teeny tiny they were and how huge the crib … Read more

Photo Friday – Putting it all Together

Together, aperture, shutter speed and ISO make up what is called the exposure triangle.  And your job, when you shoot manual, is to make those three settings work together to give you a properly exposed image with the desired affect. Let’s review- Aperture: A low F-stop is a large opening that allows alot of light but provides a shallow depth of field.  A high f-stop is a small opening that limits the amount of light but provides a deep depth of field where more of your image is in focus. Shutter speed: A slow shutter speed exposes your image to … Read more

Hold Me

Tonight was just a normal Wednesday night in our house. Dinner, then baths, jammies, some snuggles and off to bed for the two toddlers.  Books and kisses and blankies.  Normal. From our perch on the couch it sounded like the normal post bed time antics were starting.  Calls for more water, blankets being thrown off, stuffed animals being tossed.  All par for the course. Little did we know this is what we would find when we went into the boys’ room to break up the party. I know we couldn’t expect to keep him confined to his crib for the … Read more

Hidden Blessings

There is a curtain that wraps around the ultrasound table at Children’s hospital.  It’s colorful.  A blue green with large orange and red and yellow circles spanning the length of it.  That curtain and a minute are all that stand between me and a life turned upside down. Every three months I stare at that curtain, peeking under the bottom to see if it is two or four feet that approach.  Two feet means an all clear from the tech – another three months of being medically boring.  Four feet means we are not medically boring.  Four feet means the … Read more