The Night Before Thanksgiving

Sam 11/27/09

Three years ago tonight, as I stood in my kitchen prepping the Turkey and cutting up veggies, I had no idea how much my life would change in a mere 24 hours.

I had no idea that I would go into labor three weeks early.

I had no idea that instead of spending Thanksgiving watching football with my family in my home I would spend it watching football with my family in the hospital.

I had no idea that less than 24 hours later I would hold the person who would change my world and push me to love beyond limit.

Tomorrow is not Sam’s birthday, but the night before Thanksgiving will always be the night before Sam was born.  The night before I crossed the line into motherhood.  The night before I knew what love at first sight really was.

Tonight, the night before Thanksgiving, I am overcome with gratitude for my first born and overwhelmed with love for my Thanksgiving blessing.

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