Don't Stand in your Sunshine

[mantra-pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”]Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson[/mantra-pullquote]

I heard this quote this morning and it got me thinking.  How many times do I criticize myself for falling short or not doing something just so.  Or being too this or too little that.  How often do I stand in my own sunshine.  Looking through my posts I’m struck by how many times I harp on my short comings and focus on where improvement is needed.

In fact, reading through many of the blogs I love, I’ve noticed this same theme.  We are all very good at seeing our own flaws and shortcomings and putting those out there for the World to read.  Even the bloggers I consider self-confident, wise and thoughtful cut themselves down to make a point or tell a story.

That’s kind of sad isn’t it?  Just think, 15 years from now when our kids uncover the digital voices of our younger selves they are going to see just how critical of ourselves we were.  They will see all the places we didn’t think we measured up.  They will read our words of doubt and uncertainty.   I don’t think that is necessarily always bad.  It will show them our vulnerable side – maybe even make us relatable to them.

But at the same time don’t you think they deserve to know more of us?  Don’t you think we all deserve to know more?  Shouldn’t we also be showing our amazing and brave and beautiful side.  Shouldn’t we be able to tell that story too?  Shouldn’t we be able to celebrate the things we love about ourselves just as easily as we are able to share our challenges and shortcomings?

I look at my boys every day and think “how can I help them become self-confident, loving human beings.”  I want them to believe in themselves and their convictions and to embrace all the wonderful things that make them who they are.   I’m sure if your mom was anything like mine you grew up hearing “actions speak louder than words.”  Well maybe it’s time that we show our kids how to be self-confident and how to embrace the beauty that is them by owning our own beauty.  So today, instead of finding something I need to improve on or using a dose of self-deprecation to cover up a lack of confidence I am going to let the sunshine and say something I don’t say often: I’m amazing!

2013-0120-bwI’m amazing because I am driven.

I’m amazing because I love so hard it hurts.

I’m amazing because I am optimistic and believe that this world is a beautiful place.

I’m amazing because I can cook a mean dinner.

I’m amazing because I want to make a difference, in my life, in my kids lives, in the World.

I’m amazing because I make sure to read two stories to my kids every night even when I’m tired and cranky.

I’m amazing because I work hard and am invested in my job.

I’m amazing because I am emotionally patriotic.

I’m amazing because I’m organized.

I’m amazing because when I’m passionate about something I jump in with both feet.

I’m amazing because I raise money for breast cancer.

I’m amazing because I walked 60 miles in 3 days and I’m doing it again.

I’m amazing because I’m thriving in the face of grief.

I’m amazing because even in the face of doubt I still believe in something bigger.

I’m amazing because I’m me!

Why are you amazing?


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8 Responses to Don't Stand in your Sunshine

  1. What a powerful blog post and I love the image you included.

  2. Cyndie says:

    Great read! You’ve definitley got me thinking… beautiful image too!

  3. Claire Lane says:

    Wow what an inspiring post! Thank you for sharing, we definitely all need this reminder. Love the emotion in that picture

  4. Marcy says:

    Amazing post. You’re so right, we lead by example… our children will take their cues from us. It’s good to acknowledge our flaws, but also good and necessary to celebrate our strengths and victories, and show them how to do the same.

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